Laser Tag Outing
On the evening of January 8th, twelve of us headed to Luigi's Pizza and Fun Center for an hour of laser tag. Made possible by the generous donations made to our Wing Fund, it was a fun evening of strategy, releasing pent-up energy from being stuck inside in the freezing cold, and chasing each other through a glow-in-the-dark obstacle course. The event was especially memorable for two of the Russian exchange students who were staying in 04 then and came along with our Wing.
New Year's Goal Planning
On the 13th, our Wing Guide, Leon Wang '15, led the Wing in identifying their 2014 Goals. A great deal of time was spent emphasizing the importance of making goals that were measurable and realistic. Each member of the Wing was asked to offer a goal they had in mind. A lot of them had to deal with academics, productivity, or their future college plans. Others dealt with reducing hours spent playing video games or increasing their sleep. Finally, the guys were asked to write these out on construction paper, and these were taped up in the Wing, as seen below, so as to be a reminder of their aspirations.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Convocation
On January 20th, IMSA put on a Martin Luther King, Jr. Convocation celebration. A memorable event, several student skits and choral showcases were included that were well-liked by students. Several speakers shared thoughts with the campus about the importance of the day and today's relevance of the Civil Rights Movement. IMSA was very fortunate to welcome Civil Rights Leader, Dr. Julian Bond, as our keynote speaker. Heavily involved in the Movement, and personal friend of Martin Luther King, Jr., Dr. Bond shared with the students the actions he took to promote equal rights for African Americans, including his recent 12-year tenure as the President of the NAACP. The remainder of the day was filled with breakout sessions and other events aimed at engaging the importance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s work and that of the Civil Rights Movement.
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A photo op with Dr. Julian Bond. |
Affirmation Program
The following night, on the 21st, I led the Wing in an affirmation exercise. Each of the Wing member's were asked to sit down in a circle and facing outward. 3-4 of the guys would be asked to be in the middle as I read out a series of statements. They all started with..."Reach out and touch someone who...", and ended with different statements, such as "you think is a leader", or "is a good friend", etc. As each of these statements were read, with roughly 30 in total, the students on the inside of the circle would gently tap the should of those in the circle they felt the statement applied to. This went on in shifts with each of the guys given an opportunity to be in the middle of the circle. Afterward, we discussed the activity. Many expressed how good it felt to know that others thought so positively of them. They also expressed how important it is to try and genuinely compliment another person, from time-to-time. I ended by stressing that in the middle of this dark and cold Winter, we can often feel down or under-appreciated. And therefore, reaching out to others, in this kind of way, can really improve someone's day.