Saturday, February 8, 2014

September Recap

The guys in 04D have kept very busy. Between classes, sports, SIRs, extracurricular activities, and much more, it’s hard to imagine that they've had time for much else. Since our arrival in mid-August, the wing has had a number of events in the wing that has brought us closer together and proved to be a lot of fun. Below are a few of the events we had in September.

Sister Wing Proposal

After weeks of practicing, our guys performed a great rendition of “Careless Whisper” for the ladies in 02D, after 10-check on the 10th of September. This act featured Erik Nam’15 on guitar, Jon D’Souza’14 on saxophone, Daniel Collins’15 on keyboard, Elliott Krause’14 on stringed bass, and Guy Adelman’16 on tambourine. The proposal was a big hit and we are eager to hold events with the ladies of 02D throughout the year.

                                                     Sister Wing Proposal Practice

S’mores by Campfire

After 10-check on the 17th, the wing went out to the 05 slabs and enjoyed a campfire event, accompanied with S’mores, and followed by Frisbee. The wing enjoyed being outside the hall and taking a break from work.

                     William Drennan’16 and Leon Wang’15 enjoy some tasty S’mores at the campfire event.

Birthday Party

On the evening of the 24th, the mother of Omar Hafiz’15 hosted a wing dinner with food from Buffalo Wild Wings that also included cake and ice cream (from Oberweiss) in order to celebrate Omar’s 16th birthday. You should have seen the faces light up when they walked in and saw all that food. And boy did it go fast. Thanks to the Hafiz family!

Brother Wing Proposal

The next night, the 25th, our Wing went over and performed our Brother Wing proposal for 07D. It was a memorable event and a lot of practice went into pulling it off. Some snacks and socializing followed.

07D RC Kevin Lim thanks Wing Guide Evan Derse '14 for a truly memorable Brother Wing Proposal.

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